{"version":3,"file":"static/chunks/3489-447772ba77a28b63.js","mappings":"mJAcA,IAAMA,EAAY,CACd,oSAAqSC,EAAAA,EAAsC,CAC3U,oRAAqRA,EAAAA,EAA6B,CAClT,8KAA+KA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC/M,glBAAilBA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CAChnB,mIAAoIA,EAAAA,EAA6B,CACjK,4IAA6IA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC7K,4HAA6HA,EAAAA,EAAyB,CACtJ,+JAAgKA,EAAAA,EAAyB,CACzL,yNAA0NA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CAC3P,qHAAsHA,EAAAA,EAA0B,CAChJ,2QAA4QA,EAAAA,EAAuC,CACnT,uHAAwHA,EAAAA,EAA4B,CACpJ,oIAAqIA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CACpK,0IAA2IA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CAC5K,uOAAwOA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CACzQ,wGAAyGA,EAAAA,EAAkC,CAC3I,2MAA4MA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC5O,8JAA+JA,EAAAA,EAAyC,CACxM,sJAAuJA,EAAAA,EAAqC,CAC5L,4IAA6IA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC7K,2hBAA4hBA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CAC3jB,0LAA2LA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CAC5N,0hBAA2hBA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC3jB,4kBAA6kBA,EAAAA,EAA6B,CAC1mB,y4CAA04CA,EAAAA,CAA2B,CACr6C,mJAAoJA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CACpL,+mCAAgnCA,EAAAA,EAAuB,CACvoC,qNAAsNA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CACrP,0fAA2fA,EAAAA,EAAoC,CAC/hB,iWAAkWA,EAAAA,EAA4C,CAC9Y,oMAAqMA,EAAAA,EAAqC,CAC1O,koBAAmoBA,EAAAA,EAA6B,CAChqB,2OAA4OA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CAC3Q,sKAAuKA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CACtM,sFAAuFA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CAC7G,qHAAsHA,EAAAA,EAAoB,CAC1I,gMAAiMA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CAClO,6MAA8MA,EAAAA,EAAuC,CACrP,8KAA+KA,EAAAA,EAAmC,CAClN,wMAAyMA,EAAAA,EAAqC,CAC9O,gkCAAikCA,EAAAA,EAA6B,CAC9lC,iMAAkMA,EAAAA,EAA2B,CAC7N,2KAA4KA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CAC5M,iEAAkEA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CACxF,kkBAAmkBA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CAClmB,iKAAkKA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CACnM,mKAAoKA,EAAAA,EAA0C,CAC9M,uuBAAwuBA,EAAAA,EAAyB,CACjwB,6WAA8WA,EAAAA,EAAsC,CACpZ,uVAAwVA,EAAAA,EAAgC,CACxX,+PAAgQA,EAAAA,EAAiC,CACjS,qhBAAshBA,EAAAA,EAAyB,CAC/iB,8LAA+LA,EAAAA,EAA8B,CAC7N,yHAA0HA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CAChJ,6HAA8HA,EAAAA,EAA8B,CAC5J,yJAA0JA,EAAAA,EAA0B,CACpL,6HAA8HA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CAC7J,6HAA8HA,EAAAA,EAA8B,CAC5J,i7DAAk7DA,EAAAA,EAAgB,CACl8D,ogCAAqgCA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CAC3hC,yoEAA0oEA,EAAAA,EAAkB,CAC5pE,qGAAsGA,EAAAA,EAA+B,CACrI,yGAA0GA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CAChI,iJAAkJA,EAAAA,EAAsB,CACxK,8HAA+HA,EAAAA,EAAyB,EAsRrJ,SAASC,EAAQC,CAAc,MAC7BC,EAAP,OAAO,OAAAA,CAAAA,EAAAJ,CAAkB,CAACG,EAAO,GAA1BC,KAAA,IAAAA,EAAAA,EAA8B,CAAC,CACxC","sources":["webpack://_N_E/./gql/gql.ts","webpack://_N_E/./gql/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["/* eslint-disable */\nimport * as types from './graphql';\nimport { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';\n\n/**\n * Map of all GraphQL operations in the project.\n *\n * This map has several performance disadvantages:\n * 1. It is not tree-shakeable, so it will include all operations in the project.\n * 2. It is not minifiable, so the string of a GraphQL query will be multiple times inside the bundle.\n * 3. It does not support dead code elimination, so it will add unused operations.\n *\n * Therefore it is highly recommended to use the babel or swc plugin for production.\n */\nconst documents = {\n \"\\n query FetchOrganizationDetails($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n \": types.FetchOrganizationDetailsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchDetailPost($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n type\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n \": types.FetchDetailPostDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchSchoolDetails($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n \": types.FetchSchoolDetailsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchAllPostsFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchAllPostsFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchAllPostsFeedDocument,\n \"\\n mutation LoginOrRegister($data: BaseUserSignUpInput!) {\\n loginOrRegister(data: $data) {\\n accessToken\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.LoginOrRegisterDocument,\n \"\\n mutation SendPhoneNumberOtp($data: SendPhoneNumberOTPInput!) {\\n sendPhoneNumberOtp(data: $data) {\\n identifier\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SendPhoneNumberOtpDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AddReaction($input: AddStoryReactionInput!) {\\n addStoryReaction(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.AddReactionDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AddTextPost($createTextPostInput: CreateTextPostInput!) {\\n addTextPost(createTextPostInput: $createTextPostInput) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.AddTextPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AttachPaymentMethod(\\n $attachPaymentMethodInput: AttachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n attachPaymentMethod(attachPaymentMethodInput: $attachPaymentMethodInput) {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.AttachPaymentMethodDocument,\n \"\\n mutation BookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n bookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.BookmarkPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AddOrganizationReviewPost(\\n $createOrganizationReviewPostInput: CreateOrganizationReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addOrganizationReviewPost(\\n createOrganizationReviewPostInput: $createOrganizationReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.AddOrganizationReviewPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation CreatePollPost($input: CreatePollInput!) {\\n createPollPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.CreatePollPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation CreateRankingPost($input: CreateRankingPostInput!) {\\n createRankingPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.CreateRankingPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation CreateRankingV2Post($input: CreateRankingV2PostInput!) {\\n createRankingV2Post(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.CreateRankingV2PostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AddSchoolReviewPost(\\n $createSchoolReviewPostInput: CreateSchoolReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addSchoolReviewPost(\\n createSchoolReviewPostInput: $createSchoolReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.AddSchoolReviewPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation CreateStripeCustomer {\\n createStripeCustomer {\\n stripeCustomerId\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.CreateStripeCustomerDocument,\n \"\\n mutation CreateSubscription(\\n $createSubscriptionInput: CreateSubscriptionInput!\\n ) {\\n createSubscription(createSubscriptionInput: $createSubscriptionInput) {\\n planId\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.CreateSubscriptionDocument,\n \"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumPlusUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumPlusUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\": types.DeletePostByPremiumPlusUserDocument,\n \"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\": types.DeletePostByPremiumUserDocument,\n \"\\n mutation DeletePostByAuthor($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByAuthor(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\": types.DeletePostByAuthorDocument,\n \"\\n query SearchPostsDelete($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SearchPostsDeleteDocument,\n \"\\n mutation DetachPaymentMethod(\\n $detachPaymentMethodInput: DetachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n detachPaymentMethod(detachPaymentMethodInput: $detachPaymentMethodInput)\\n }\\n\": types.DetachPaymentMethodDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchFollowingFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchFollowingFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n viewCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchFollowingFeedDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchForYouFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchForYouFeedDocument,\n \"\\n query ForYouStories($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouStories(input: $input) {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n location\\n secondaryAlias\\n alias\\n }\\n stories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n author {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n authorId\\n id\\n type\\n viewCount\\n reactions {\\n type\\n id\\n }\\n content\\n expiresAt\\n createdAt\\n postType\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.ForYouStoriesDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchKeywordsByIds($input: FetchKeywordsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchKeywordsByIds(input: $input) {\\n keyword\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchKeywordsByIdsDocument,\n \"\\n query MyStories {\\n myStories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n id\\n content\\n postType\\n type\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n expiresAt\\n author {\\n school {\\n logo\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n secondaryAlias\\n }\\n }\\n reactions {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.MyStoriesDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchOrganization($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchOrganizationDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchOrganizationPosts($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchOrganizationPostsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchOrganizationRatingSummary($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationRatingSummary(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n totalRatings\\n ratingsBreakdown {\\n friendliness\\n popularity\\n brotherhood\\n classiness\\n socialLife\\n involvement\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchOrganizationRatingSummaryDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchOrganizationsByIds($input: FetchOrganizationsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchOrganizationsByIdsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchPostsByIds($input: FetchByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchPostsByIds(input: $input) {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n replyCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n viewCount\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchPostsByIdsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchPremiumPlans {\\n fetchPremiumPlans {\\n id\\n name\\n description\\n pointers\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n stripePriceId\\n showOnApp\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchPremiumPlansDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchSchoolsByIds($input: FetchSchoolsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchSchoolsByIdsDocument,\n \"\\n mutation FlagPost($input: FlagPostInput!) {\\n flagPost(input: $input)\\n }\\n\": types.FlagPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation Follow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n follow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FollowDocument,\n \"\\n query GetAllNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getAllNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.GetAllNotificationsDocument,\n \"\\n query GetCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n getCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n amount\\n currency\\n description\\n created\\n id\\n paid\\n receiptUrl\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.GetCustomerPaymentHistoryDocument,\n \"\\n query GetMentionSuggestions($input: MentionSuggestionInput!) {\\n getMentionSuggestions(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.GetMentionSuggestionsDocument,\n \"\\n query GetPendingNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getPendingNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.GetPendingNotificationsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchPostDetail($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n status\\n replies {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchPostDetailDocument,\n \"\\n query SearchSchools($input: SearchSchoolCriteria!) {\\n searchSchools(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n location\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SearchSchoolsDocument,\n \"\\n query ListPaymentMethods {\\n listPaymentMethods {\\n id\\n card {\\n brand\\n expMonth\\n expYear\\n last4\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.ListPaymentMethodsDocument,\n \"\\n mutation Mutation {\\n markAllNotificationsAsRead\\n }\\n\": types.MutationDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchMySchoolFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchMySchoolFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchMySchoolFeedDocument,\n \"\\n query OrganizationsSearch($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.OrganizationsSearchDocument,\n \"\\n mutation RestorePostByPremiumPlusUser($restorePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n restorePostByPremiumPlusUser(restorePostInput: $restorePostInput)\\n }\\n\": types.RestorePostByPremiumPlusUserDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchSchool($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n coverImage\\n logo\\n location\\n name\\n totalClubs\\n totalFraternities\\n totalPosts\\n totalSororities\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n alias\\n posts {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchSchoolDocument,\n \"\\nquery FetchSchoolOrganizations($input: FetchSchoolOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n rushlinkRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n rating\\n }\\n totalCount\\n userRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n rating\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n }\\n }\\n}\": types.FetchSchoolOrganizationsDocument,\n \"\\n query FetchSchoolReviews($input: FetchSchoolRatingsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolReviews(input: $input) {\\n overallGrade\\n reportCard {\\n competition\\n genderRatio\\n hazing\\n housing\\n involvement\\n looks\\n population\\n socialScene\\n }\\n totalReviews\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.FetchSchoolReviewsDocument,\n \"\\n query SearchOrganizations($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n logo\\n domain\\n type\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SearchOrganizationsDocument,\n \"\\n query SearchPosts($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SearchPostsDocument,\n \"\\n mutation SharePostAsStory($input: SharePostAsStoryInput!) {\\n sharePostAsStory(input: $input) {\\n id\\n content\\n createdAt\\n expiresAt\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.SharePostAsStoryDocument,\n \"\\n mutation Unfollow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n unfollow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UnfollowDocument,\n \"\\n mutation UndoBookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n undoBookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UndoBookmarkPostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation UndoVotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n undoVotePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UndoVotePostDocument,\n \"\\n mutation UpdateUserProfile($input: UpdateUserInput!) {\\n updateUserProfile(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UpdateUserProfileDocument,\n \"\\n mutation UpdateUserSchool($input: AttachSchoolInput!) {\\n updateUserSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UpdateUserSchoolDocument,\n \"\\n query Me {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.MeDocument,\n \"\\n query UserInfo {\\n me {\\n createdAt\\n countryCode\\n email\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n id\\n followableType\\n }\\n id\\n phoneNumber\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n pollOptionId\\n }\\n postActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n type\\n }\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n posts {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UserInfoDocument,\n \"\\n query User {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n flaggedPosts {\\n postId\\n }\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n organizationSelectionList {\\n value\\n label\\n }\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n organization {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.UserDocument,\n \"\\n mutation AddViewsToStories($input: ViewStoriesInput!) {\\n viewStories(input: $input)\\n }\\n\": types.AddViewsToStoriesDocument,\n \"\\n mutation VotePoll($input: VotePollInput!) {\\n votePoll(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.VotePollDocument,\n \"\\n mutation VotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n votePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.VotePostDocument,\n \"\\n query WhoToFollow {\\n whoToFollow {\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n followerCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\": types.WhoToFollowDocument,\n};\n\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * ```ts\n * const query = graphql(`query GetUser($id: ID!) { user(id: $id) { name } }`);\n * ```\n *\n * The query argument is unknown!\n * Please regenerate the types.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: string): unknown;\n\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchOrganizationDetails($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n \"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchOrganizationDetails($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n \"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchDetailPost($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n type\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n \"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchDetailPost($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n type\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n \"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchSchoolDetails($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n \"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchSchoolDetails($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n \"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchAllPostsFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchAllPostsFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchAllPostsFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchAllPostsFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation LoginOrRegister($data: BaseUserSignUpInput!) {\\n loginOrRegister(data: $data) {\\n accessToken\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation LoginOrRegister($data: BaseUserSignUpInput!) {\\n loginOrRegister(data: $data) {\\n accessToken\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation SendPhoneNumberOtp($data: SendPhoneNumberOTPInput!) {\\n sendPhoneNumberOtp(data: $data) {\\n identifier\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation SendPhoneNumberOtp($data: SendPhoneNumberOTPInput!) {\\n sendPhoneNumberOtp(data: $data) {\\n identifier\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AddReaction($input: AddStoryReactionInput!) {\\n addStoryReaction(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AddReaction($input: AddStoryReactionInput!) {\\n addStoryReaction(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AddTextPost($createTextPostInput: CreateTextPostInput!) {\\n addTextPost(createTextPostInput: $createTextPostInput) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AddTextPost($createTextPostInput: CreateTextPostInput!) {\\n addTextPost(createTextPostInput: $createTextPostInput) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AttachPaymentMethod(\\n $attachPaymentMethodInput: AttachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n attachPaymentMethod(attachPaymentMethodInput: $attachPaymentMethodInput) {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AttachPaymentMethod(\\n $attachPaymentMethodInput: AttachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n attachPaymentMethod(attachPaymentMethodInput: $attachPaymentMethodInput) {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation BookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n bookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation BookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n bookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AddOrganizationReviewPost(\\n $createOrganizationReviewPostInput: CreateOrganizationReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addOrganizationReviewPost(\\n createOrganizationReviewPostInput: $createOrganizationReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AddOrganizationReviewPost(\\n $createOrganizationReviewPostInput: CreateOrganizationReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addOrganizationReviewPost(\\n createOrganizationReviewPostInput: $createOrganizationReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation CreatePollPost($input: CreatePollInput!) {\\n createPollPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation CreatePollPost($input: CreatePollInput!) {\\n createPollPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation CreateRankingPost($input: CreateRankingPostInput!) {\\n createRankingPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation CreateRankingPost($input: CreateRankingPostInput!) {\\n createRankingPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation CreateRankingV2Post($input: CreateRankingV2PostInput!) {\\n createRankingV2Post(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation CreateRankingV2Post($input: CreateRankingV2PostInput!) {\\n createRankingV2Post(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AddSchoolReviewPost(\\n $createSchoolReviewPostInput: CreateSchoolReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addSchoolReviewPost(\\n createSchoolReviewPostInput: $createSchoolReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AddSchoolReviewPost(\\n $createSchoolReviewPostInput: CreateSchoolReviewPostInput!\\n ) {\\n addSchoolReviewPost(\\n createSchoolReviewPostInput: $createSchoolReviewPostInput\\n ) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation CreateStripeCustomer {\\n createStripeCustomer {\\n stripeCustomerId\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation CreateStripeCustomer {\\n createStripeCustomer {\\n stripeCustomerId\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation CreateSubscription(\\n $createSubscriptionInput: CreateSubscriptionInput!\\n ) {\\n createSubscription(createSubscriptionInput: $createSubscriptionInput) {\\n planId\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation CreateSubscription(\\n $createSubscriptionInput: CreateSubscriptionInput!\\n ) {\\n createSubscription(createSubscriptionInput: $createSubscriptionInput) {\\n planId\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumPlusUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumPlusUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumPlusUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumPlusUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation DeletePostByPremiumUser($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByPremiumUser(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation DeletePostByAuthor($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByAuthor(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation DeletePostByAuthor($deletePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n deletePostByAuthor(deletePostInput: $deletePostInput)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query SearchPostsDelete($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query SearchPostsDelete($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation DetachPaymentMethod(\\n $detachPaymentMethodInput: DetachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n detachPaymentMethod(detachPaymentMethodInput: $detachPaymentMethodInput)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation DetachPaymentMethod(\\n $detachPaymentMethodInput: DetachPaymentMethodInput!\\n ) {\\n detachPaymentMethod(detachPaymentMethodInput: $detachPaymentMethodInput)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchFollowingFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchFollowingFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n viewCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchFollowingFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchFollowingFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n viewCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchForYouFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchForYouFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query ForYouStories($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouStories(input: $input) {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n location\\n secondaryAlias\\n alias\\n }\\n stories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n author {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n authorId\\n id\\n type\\n viewCount\\n reactions {\\n type\\n id\\n }\\n content\\n expiresAt\\n createdAt\\n postType\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query ForYouStories($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchForYouStories(input: $input) {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n location\\n secondaryAlias\\n alias\\n }\\n stories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n author {\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n authorId\\n id\\n type\\n viewCount\\n reactions {\\n type\\n id\\n }\\n content\\n expiresAt\\n createdAt\\n postType\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchKeywordsByIds($input: FetchKeywordsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchKeywordsByIds(input: $input) {\\n keyword\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchKeywordsByIds($input: FetchKeywordsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchKeywordsByIds(input: $input) {\\n keyword\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query MyStories {\\n myStories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n id\\n content\\n postType\\n type\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n expiresAt\\n author {\\n school {\\n logo\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n secondaryAlias\\n }\\n }\\n reactions {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query MyStories {\\n myStories {\\n viewed\\n story {\\n id\\n content\\n postType\\n type\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n expiresAt\\n author {\\n school {\\n logo\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n secondaryAlias\\n }\\n }\\n reactions {\\n id\\n type\\n }\\n post {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n greekRankId\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n flagCount\\n storyShareCount\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchOrganization($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchOrganization($input: FetchOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchOrganization(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchOrganizationPosts($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchOrganizationPosts($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchOrganizationRatingSummary($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationRatingSummary(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n totalRatings\\n ratingsBreakdown {\\n friendliness\\n popularity\\n brotherhood\\n classiness\\n socialLife\\n involvement\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchOrganizationRatingSummary($input: FetchOrganizationDetailsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationRatingSummary(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n totalRatings\\n ratingsBreakdown {\\n friendliness\\n popularity\\n brotherhood\\n classiness\\n socialLife\\n involvement\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchOrganizationsByIds($input: FetchOrganizationsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchOrganizationsByIds($input: FetchOrganizationsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchOrganizationsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n logo\\n name\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchPostsByIds($input: FetchByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchPostsByIds(input: $input) {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n replyCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n viewCount\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchPostsByIds($input: FetchByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchPostsByIds(input: $input) {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n replyCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n viewCount\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchPremiumPlans {\\n fetchPremiumPlans {\\n id\\n name\\n description\\n pointers\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n stripePriceId\\n showOnApp\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchPremiumPlans {\\n fetchPremiumPlans {\\n id\\n name\\n description\\n pointers\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n stripePriceId\\n showOnApp\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchSchoolsByIds($input: FetchSchoolsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchSchoolsByIds($input: FetchSchoolsByIdsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolsByIds(input: $input) {\\n alias\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation FlagPost($input: FlagPostInput!) {\\n flagPost(input: $input)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation FlagPost($input: FlagPostInput!) {\\n flagPost(input: $input)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation Follow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n follow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation Follow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n follow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query GetAllNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getAllNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query GetAllNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getAllNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query GetCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n getCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n amount\\n currency\\n description\\n created\\n id\\n paid\\n receiptUrl\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query GetCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n getCustomerPaymentHistory {\\n amount\\n currency\\n description\\n created\\n id\\n paid\\n receiptUrl\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query GetMentionSuggestions($input: MentionSuggestionInput!) {\\n getMentionSuggestions(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query GetMentionSuggestions($input: MentionSuggestionInput!) {\\n getMentionSuggestions(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query GetPendingNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getPendingNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query GetPendingNotifications($input: FetchNotificationsInput!) {\\n getPendingNotifications(input: $input) {\\n id\\n type\\n isRead\\n payload\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchPostDetail($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n status\\n replies {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchPostDetail($input: GetPostDetailInput!) {\\n fetchPostDetail(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n status\\n replies {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n viewCount\\n createdAt\\n status\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query SearchSchools($input: SearchSchoolCriteria!) {\\n searchSchools(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n location\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query SearchSchools($input: SearchSchoolCriteria!) {\\n searchSchools(input: $input) {\\n name\\n logo\\n id\\n alias\\n location\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query ListPaymentMethods {\\n listPaymentMethods {\\n id\\n card {\\n brand\\n expMonth\\n expYear\\n last4\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query ListPaymentMethods {\\n listPaymentMethods {\\n id\\n card {\\n brand\\n expMonth\\n expYear\\n last4\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation Mutation {\\n markAllNotificationsAsRead\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation Mutation {\\n markAllNotificationsAsRead\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchMySchoolFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchMySchoolFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchMySchoolFeed($input: Pagination!) {\\n fetchMySchoolFeed(input: $input) {\\n authorId\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n id\\n logo\\n alias\\n name\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n viewCount\\n id\\n createdAt\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query OrganizationsSearch($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query OrganizationsSearch($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation RestorePostByPremiumPlusUser($restorePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n restorePostByPremiumPlusUser(restorePostInput: $restorePostInput)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation RestorePostByPremiumPlusUser($restorePostInput: PostActivityInput!) {\\n restorePostByPremiumPlusUser(restorePostInput: $restorePostInput)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchSchool($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n coverImage\\n logo\\n location\\n name\\n totalClubs\\n totalFraternities\\n totalPosts\\n totalSororities\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n alias\\n posts {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchSchool($input: FetchSchoolInput!) {\\n fetchSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n coverImage\\n logo\\n location\\n name\\n totalClubs\\n totalFraternities\\n totalPosts\\n totalSororities\\n domain\\n followerCount\\n alias\\n posts {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n content\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\nquery FetchSchoolOrganizations($input: FetchSchoolOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n rushlinkRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n rating\\n }\\n totalCount\\n userRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n rating\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n }\\n }\\n}\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\nquery FetchSchoolOrganizations($input: FetchSchoolOrganizationInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n overallAverage\\n rushlinkRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n rating\\n }\\n totalCount\\n userRatings {\\n id\\n name\\n rating\\n alias\\n gradePercentage\\n }\\n }\\n}\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query FetchSchoolReviews($input: FetchSchoolRatingsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolReviews(input: $input) {\\n overallGrade\\n reportCard {\\n competition\\n genderRatio\\n hazing\\n housing\\n involvement\\n looks\\n population\\n socialScene\\n }\\n totalReviews\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query FetchSchoolReviews($input: FetchSchoolRatingsInput!) {\\n fetchSchoolReviews(input: $input) {\\n overallGrade\\n reportCard {\\n competition\\n genderRatio\\n hazing\\n housing\\n involvement\\n looks\\n population\\n socialScene\\n }\\n totalReviews\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query SearchOrganizations($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n logo\\n domain\\n type\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query SearchOrganizations($input: SearchOrganizationCriteria!) {\\n searchOrganizations(input: $input) {\\n id\\n name\\n alias\\n logo\\n domain\\n type\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n followerCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query SearchPosts($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query SearchPosts($input: SearchPostsCriteria!) {\\n searchPosts(input: $input) {\\n createdAt\\n title\\n school {\\n logo\\n alias\\n }\\n content\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n mentions {\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n id\\n mentionedId\\n mentionType\\n }\\n type\\n nickname\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n viewCount\\n replyCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation SharePostAsStory($input: SharePostAsStoryInput!) {\\n sharePostAsStory(input: $input) {\\n id\\n content\\n createdAt\\n expiresAt\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation SharePostAsStory($input: SharePostAsStoryInput!) {\\n sharePostAsStory(input: $input) {\\n id\\n content\\n createdAt\\n expiresAt\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation Unfollow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n unfollow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation Unfollow($input: FollowActivityInput!) {\\n unfollow(input: $input) {\\n followableId\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation UndoBookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n undoBookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation UndoBookmarkPost($input: PostActivityInput!) {\\n undoBookmarkPost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation UndoVotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n undoVotePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation UndoVotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n undoVotePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation UpdateUserProfile($input: UpdateUserInput!) {\\n updateUserProfile(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation UpdateUserProfile($input: UpdateUserInput!) {\\n updateUserProfile(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation UpdateUserSchool($input: AttachSchoolInput!) {\\n updateUserSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation UpdateUserSchool($input: AttachSchoolInput!) {\\n updateUserSchool(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query Me {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query Me {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query UserInfo {\\n me {\\n createdAt\\n countryCode\\n email\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n id\\n followableType\\n }\\n id\\n phoneNumber\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n pollOptionId\\n }\\n postActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n type\\n }\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n posts {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query UserInfo {\\n me {\\n createdAt\\n countryCode\\n email\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n id\\n followableType\\n }\\n id\\n phoneNumber\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n pollOptionId\\n }\\n postActivities {\\n id\\n postId\\n type\\n }\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n posts {\\n title\\n hashtags {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n }\\n nickname\\n id\\n mentions {\\n id\\n startIndex\\n endIndex\\n mentionedId\\n }\\n replyCount\\n viewCount\\n downvoteCount\\n upvoteCount\\n status\\n schoolId\\n authorId\\n bookmarkCount\\n content\\n createdAt\\n deletedAt\\n type\\n parentId\\n school {\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query User {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n flaggedPosts {\\n postId\\n }\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n organizationSelectionList {\\n value\\n label\\n }\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n organization {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query User {\\n me {\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n name\\n }\\n schoolId\\n flaggedPosts {\\n postId\\n }\\n isPremium\\n postActivities {\\n type\\n postId\\n id\\n }\\n pollVoteActivities {\\n id\\n pollOptionId\\n postId\\n }\\n phoneNumber\\n stripeCustomerId\\n id\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n alias\\n organizationSelectionList {\\n value\\n label\\n }\\n }\\n email\\n countryCode\\n blacklisted\\n follows {\\n followableId\\n followableType\\n id\\n }\\n activePremiumPlan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n type\\n }\\n subscriptions {\\n allottedDeleteCount\\n allottedRestoreCount\\n deleteCount\\n restoreCount\\n startDate\\n id\\n planId\\n stripeSubscriptionId\\n status\\n plan {\\n id\\n name\\n showOnApp\\n stripePriceId\\n createdAt\\n price\\n validityInDays\\n }\\n }\\n deletedUsingPremiumSubscription {\\n id\\n type\\n authorId\\n schoolId\\n nickname\\n title\\n parentId\\n content\\n status\\n replyCount\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n bookmarkCount\\n createdAt\\n updatedAt\\n deletedAt\\n school {\\n id\\n domain\\n coverImage\\n location\\n logo\\n name\\n }\\n parentId\\n mentions {\\n endIndex\\n mentionType\\n mentionedId\\n postId\\n schoolIdContext\\n startIndex\\n id\\n }\\n hashtags {\\n endIndex\\n id\\n postId\\n startIndex\\n tag\\n }\\n }\\n organization {\\n id\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation AddViewsToStories($input: ViewStoriesInput!) {\\n viewStories(input: $input)\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation AddViewsToStories($input: ViewStoriesInput!) {\\n viewStories(input: $input)\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation VotePoll($input: VotePollInput!) {\\n votePoll(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation VotePoll($input: VotePollInput!) {\\n votePoll(input: $input) {\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n mutation VotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n votePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n mutation VotePost($input: VotePostInput!) {\\n votePost(input: $input) {\\n id\\n upvoteCount\\n downvoteCount\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n/**\n * The graphql function is used to parse GraphQL queries into a document that can be used by GraphQL clients.\n */\nexport function graphql(source: \"\\n query WhoToFollow {\\n whoToFollow {\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n followerCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"): (typeof documents)[\"\\n query WhoToFollow {\\n whoToFollow {\\n name\\n logo\\n type\\n followerCount\\n id\\n }\\n }\\n\"];\n\nexport function graphql(source: string) {\n return (documents as any)[source] ?? {};\n}\n\nexport type DocumentType> = TDocumentNode extends DocumentNode< infer TType, any> ? TType : never;","export * from \"./fragment-masking\";\nexport * from \"./gql\";"],"names":["documents","types","graphql","source","_documents_source"],"sourceRoot":""}